If you remember, you will remember that a while ago we told you about the Vespa with a rocket launcher. If you remember, congratulations! Because more than four years have passed since we did it, but the truth is that it is a motorcycle that, even as time passes, attracts a lot of attention and for more than obvious reasons.
Unlike the more classic and conventional Vespa, the TAP is a very special motorcycle because it was not civilian, it was military and it was also the only Vespa with a rocket launcher that Piaggio designed and that came into action during the 1950s and 1960s.
Exactly, while in Europe they were an icon, in the Algerian War they came into action. But the curious thing about this Vespa with a rocket launcher is not only that it was designed to be able to carry both the weapon and its ammunition but, in addition, it was transported by plane and launched by parachute, hence the TAP “Truppe Aero” “Parachute.”
It is estimated that 600 of this Vespa TAP 150, which was derived from the GS 150 and although it was designed by Piaggio and was manufactured by the French subsidiary ACMA, were manufactured. A very round figure for its manufacture, but not for how many there are currently. We must not overlook the fact that almost 70 years have passed since 1956.
There is a Vespa with a rocket launcher for sale…
In case you are interested not only in the history of the motorcycle, but also in owning one of it for your motorcycle or weapons collection, you may be interested to know that there is a unit for sale precisely in France. And the French army was the only one that made use of it.
According to what they say, it is not in very bad condition, although there is obvious deterioration due to the passage of time. On this occasion this unit appears to have not received previous restorations, which in a way gives it added value.
As for the price, there is not much we can contribute, since they only inform those who are really interested. What we can tell you is that the unit we told you about a while ago was sold in 2020 for 40,000 euros, although it included the trailer and some extra accessories.