The new range Ola Roadster It has recently been officially launched in India, with up to three different versions, Roadster, Roadster X and Roadster Pro. The brand announces up to 579 km of autonomy and a maximum speed that can reach 194 km/h in the most powerful variant. All this for a price that starts at just 74,999 rupees, something like 800 euros at the exchange rate.
As we already announced, just a few days ago the brand was ready to launch the first of its electric motorcycle models. Previously, they showed us their intentions with the 4 models that should initially make up their range of plug-in motorcycles, thus adding to the current range of scooters.
Ola Roadster: 3 variants and 8 power versions for all tastes and needs
It is clear that the new Ola Roadster arrives with a clear intention: to reach the largest possible number of users. To do this, the Indian brand is betting on variety by offering three different variants of the model with different power versions for each of them. Thus we find the X, Roadster and Pro models.
The first of the variants that make up this new range of Ola Roadster is the X version, available with batteries of 2.5, 3.5 or 4.5 kWh capacity. It comes equipped with an 11 kW motor and claims a maximum speed of 124 km/h, with a possible range, in its 4.5 kWh version, of up to 200 kilometers with a single charge. Prices range from Rs 74,999 to Rs 99,999, between €813 and €1,085.
Above this Wave Roadster X We have the Roadster model “purely”, powered by a 13 kW electric motor. It is offered with 3 kWh, 4.5 kWh and 6 kWh batteries, achieving a maximum range of 248 kilometers and a top speed of 126 km/h. The respective price of each version is set at 104,999, 119,999 and 139,999 rupees, approximately 1,140, 1,300 and 1,520 respectively.
Closing the trio we have the Ola Roadster Proequipped with batteries of 8 kWh or 16 kWh capacity. In this case, the brand claims acceleration from zero to 60 km/h in just 1.9 seconds, with a certified top speed of 194 km/h and a maximum range of up to 579 km on a full charge.
The electric motor in charge of propelling it produces a final power of 52 kW, and is capable of generating up to 105 Nm of maximum torque. The price of the Ola Roadster Pro starts from Rs 199,999 and goes up to Rs 249,999 for the higher capacity version, 2,170 and 2,710 euros respectively.
In terms of equipment, the entry and mid-range versions use telescopic front forks. While the Roadster X uses a pair of lateral shock absorbers, the mid-range variant already has a central shock absorber. Braking is provided by discs on both axles and an ABS system. Other elements worth highlighting are, for example, the complete instrument panel that both versions have: TFT and 6.8” on the Roadster and LCD and 4.3 inches on the X variant.
In addition, the mid-range model has three driving modes (Eco, Normal and Sports), cruise control or a Keyless system. The Ola Roadster Pro, on the other hand, uses an inverted front fork, disc brakes on both wheels or a 10-inch TFT screen. In this one we find 4 driving modes (Eco, Normal, Sport and Hyper), with the option of even customising two of them.
The Roadster X and Roadster variants can now be reserved and delivery of the first units is expected to begin from January 2025. The Roadster Pro, meanwhile, will be available exactly one year later, January 2026and for the moment, reservations can only be made for the 8 kWh version.
More information on the brand’s official website.