Is this velocipede the most bizarre preparation we have seen in a long time? Definitely!

The velocipede is the precursor of what we know today as a bicycle. The bicycle is the foundation on which motorcycles were created, and motorcycles drive us crazy. Therefore, is a velocipede-motorcycle the pinnacle for a biker? Well, that question has an easy answer. It’s as simple as looking at this preparation of a Yamaha R6 converted to a velocipede and drawing your own conclusions.

We are not going to be the ones to judge whether we are dealing with genius, madness, a crime or all three at the same time. What we can say is that behind this invention, and as is clear with a first glance, there is a lot, a lot of work and so much money invested that they could have built their own MotoGP or even a time travel machine, for example. , to when velocipedes were in fashion further away from the hipster movement.

The work behind this project is spectacularly complex and expensive.

But the British from Gregulations have prepared a simply incredible velocipede version, which does not lack a single detail to be not only spectacular, but also so that you do not kill yourself trying to drive it.

And the fact is that a velocipede has a considerable height that makes it dangerous, so a Yamaha R6 velocipede that is not only tall, but also powerful, can be a ferocious machine and not only because the exhausts have become free.

A velocipede created with a Yamaha R6 may not be a good idea, but the work behind it is fascinating

The velocipede does not lack details, but some of these details came after the first test, when they realized that brakes were totally necessary. The same people who thought that the velocipede was a good idea thought that brakes were for cowards… At least they are coherent.

After several tests, the velocipede, which luckily for them has side wheels to prevent falls (finally a good idea), ends up being effective if we compare it with others because, at least, they have achieved a speed record of 66 kilometers per hour

Not bad for a velocipede, but crap for a Yamaha R6 that surely deserved a better retirement. In any case, what cannot be denied is that they are ingenious, daring and fun. No one can take that away from you.

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