that he diesel It is a deteriorating fuel, it is no secret. Not because of the client or because of the possibilities it can give them, but rather because it has been demonized by the authorities and that has forced most manufacturers to stop working on it. The level of persecution around him is so great that They have banned it at some gas stations. It has happened in a big city that seeks to restrict the circulation of diesel vehicles on its streets, with the controversy that this entails.
We talk about Paristhe capital of France and one of the strictest towns when it comes to transportation. It has already adopted some controversial measures such as raising the price of parking for heavy SUVs and now it is going directly for diesel. Its sale has been prohibited in four TotalEnergies gas stations located around Paris. There are two that are in Porte d’Aubervilliers with access to the ring road, another in Issy-les-Moulineaux and the last one in Porte d’Orléans. The fact is that they account for around half of diesel distribution in Paris.
According to some sources, these service stations collect about 750,000 diesel refuelings per year. Therefore, they face a decline in their exemplary turnover while politicians continue their crusade against combustion engines. In this case it is the mayor, Anne Hidalgowith its plan to combat Paris pollution, which made the proposal that was approved by the council. There are four gas stations out of the fifteen that supply the city, but the remaining ones will also be affected soon.
There is talk of a progressive adoption that will force all those Parisians who own diesel cars to refuel it outside your city. It is a very controversial measure that has gained detractors, but it responds to reasons of improving the environment. According to the authorities, it is necessary eliminate microparticles from dieselwhich are very harmful and contribute to air pollution that causes about 8,000 deaths a year.
This is a measure announced eight ago years and that it should have been adopted in the summer, so they do not accept criticism regarding the deadlines. The measure to prohibit diesel at these gas stations not only affects private drivers, but also firefighters, emergency services, waste collection and even postal vehicles…