what it is like and why it improves your security

Parking is a maneuver that can have some complexity. In some places it is already a pain to find a parking space and, depending on the user, there is a greater or lesser level of expertise when performing the maneuver. The issue of safety must also be taken into account, especially when leaving the vehicle or leaving the vehicle in places where others are driving. That is why it has been discovered that park herringbone It could be the solution to avoid a good number of accidents.

The most common and what we have heard thousands of times are online or battery parking, as they are the most common in cities. This modality that every time is being adopted in more places It refers to the direction in which you park. The key to herringbone parking is that the maneuver must be done in reverseso that the car is facing to go straight forward when you want to unpark. It makes sense in the squares that are in a battery, but the ideal is for them to be in diagonal squares.

Although it is more difficult for some drivers to park in reverse, In the long run it is very beneficial. It is proven that the maneuver is more versatile because the front axle is the one that guides and there is also that important reason for the departure towards the direction of travel. HE completely eliminate blind spotsbecause although there are now cross traffic alerts and other technologies, it is easier if we see what is coming our way. The risk of hitting cyclists and pedestrians, the most sensitive users with whom the road is shared, is also greatly reduced.

Parking in a herringbone pattern is already signposted in some places and the maneuver is even encouraged. The new places They usually have a diagonal of 60 degrees to facilitate parking and visibility. It is recommended on one-way roads and areas with high bicycle traffic. Cities like Madrid, Granada, Bilbao or Alicante They already have herringbone parking enabled on some of their streets.

How to park in herringbone

  1. Detect the square and signal the maneuver
  2. Leave a margin of space with respect to parked cars
  3. Take references to back up in a straight line to the diagonal line or the headlight of the parked car
  4. Perform the turn to adjust the car to the position, controlling the rearview mirrors
  5. Straighten the steering wheel and continue in reverse until the car is in the ideal position.

Advantages of herringbone parking

  • Improves safety by avoiding blind spots
  • With a 60º angle it saves space and fits more seats
  • Loading and unloading is made easy
  • The car takes up less space on the sidewalk
  • Promote cyclist mobility and pedestrians

Disadvantages of herringbone parking

  • It is not adaptable to all types of roads
  • It can cause more jams during maneuvers
  • It is more difficult to detect free places
  • Direct more exhaust smoke onto sidewalks

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