Hybrid cars are becoming increasingly popular. There are already more than 600,000 units of these vehicles on the road in Spain (plug-in or not) and they are becoming increasingly popular as they are the logical step towards electrification of the vehicle fleet. They have an electrical system that works together with the combustion engine to reduce consumption and emissions. What is the MOT like for these hybrid cars?
Since 1985, all vehicles have been required to undergo a Technical Inspection of Vehicles (ITV), a review that seeks to guarantee the safety and compliance with emissions of vehicles circulating in the country. All vehicles must undergo it, without exception. However, if we reviewed the peculiarities of the ITV in electric cars in the past, today it is time to see details of the ITV in hybrid cars.
What they check in the ITV of a hybrid car
The first part of the ITV test does not check for differences with respect to a traditional combustion car. Therefore, the proper functioning of the same elements that we have already detailed in this article is checked: After identifying the car, we proceed to check
- Exterior conditioning of the vehicle
- Lighting and signage
- Interior (since 2018, the kilometers traveled are recorded)
- Engine and transmission
- Address
- Axles, wheels and suspension
- Brakes
It is the section of the polluting emissions The only difference between the MOT of a hybrid car and one with a combustion engine is that this test must be carried out with the combustion engine active, not with the electric one. To do this, the inspector follows the protocols established by the manufacturer to activate the petrol engine and measure emissions.
When do hybrid vehicles undergo their MOT?
The type of propulsion does not matter when it comes to the frequency of the MOT inspection. In the case of privately used passenger cars
- First ITV at 4 years from its first registration.
- Of 4 to 10 years of antiquity, inspection every two years.
- After 10 years of age, they must pass the MOT annually.
In this article we analyze other assumptions, since there are variations in the periodicity depending on whether the vehicle is industrial, agricultural or has some type of public use.
Documentation to pass the ITV of a hybrid car
To pass the MOT for a hybrid vehicle, the same documentation is required as for a vehicle with an internal combustion engine. This ensures that the vehicle meets the legal and technical requirements:
- Vehicle technical sheet (known as ITV card)
- Circulation permit
- Certificate of the last MOT (if applicable)
- Compulsory insurance policy in force.
If you go to the ITV station with an appointment and have made the payment in advance, they will also ask you for proof of payment.
Price of the MOT on a hybrid car
There are huge price differences depending on each Autonomous Community and, within some of them, also at each ITV station. In general, the price of passing the ITV on a hybrid car is lower than that of a petrol car, just as the latter is somewhat cheaper than passing the ITV on a diesel car.
Remember that the MOT is a legal requirement for all vehicles in circulation, regardless of whether they are hybrid, electric or internal combustion. Driving without having passed the MOT is a serious offence that usually carries a fine of 200 euros (this may vary depending on the time elapsed since the expiry date).