After selling their motorcycles on the platform FlipkartBajaj Auto has announced the launch of the special edition Chetak 3201 in its local market. But, beware, the peculiarity is that it will be available exclusively in Amazon Starting this month of August and only in Brooklyn Black. To distinguish it from the standard model, Bajaj It has added embossed decals that give it a sporty finish, and quilted brown seats that increase its premium image.
This model will be priced at 1,420 euros and marks the first exclusive launch of an electric scooter in Amazon in the industry. The Bajaj Chetak It is the only electric scooter in its category with a metal body and features an IP67-certified battery. It has been certified by ARAI with a range of 136 km. Of course, it is equipped with features such as Bluetooth connectivity, app compatibility Chetaka color TFT instrument panel and automatic emergency lighting.
Bajaj and Amazon together with the Chetak 3201
Eric VasPresident and CEO of Urbanite Bajaj Autohe claimed: “We are delighted to strengthen our collaboration with Amazon through the exclusive launch and sale of our special edition Chetak in August. This partnership represents a significant milestone in the electric vehicle industry, allowing customers to experience silent luxury on wheels exclusively on Amazon. The Chetak Electric, with its rugged construction and solid metal body, exudes the confidence and durability that our customers have come to expect from Bajaj Auto.«.
In July 2024, the Chetak of Bajaj achieved a new record with 20,000 reservations in a single month in its home country. In addition, the brand recently launched the variant Chetak 2901with a reduced initial price of 1,000 euros.
Bajaj highlights that its official dealers located in smaller cities have played a crucial role in the expansion of the Chetak at the local Indian level.
Currently, the Chetak It is available at 2,000 points of sale throughout the country and the most basic model, the Bajaj Chetak 2901 It offers a range of 123 km per charge and comes equipped with a good variety of technological and technical features.