A double pass for “The Gran Kart 2”

Itevelesa Network has announced the celebration of the second edition of the initiative «The Great Kart 2». This event of the Spanish company comes to Madrid, led by such special collaborators as Scalextric and Help Flash, and will be held next May 11 at the Ángel Burgueño karting. A unique and unforgettable event in which the network's own team, clients and influencers will become the protagonists.

The Spanish company, Red Itevelesa, in addition to offering a high-quality service and guaranteeing road safety, aims to transform the perception of this procedure and provide its customers with a more attractive and entertaining vision through actions such as «The Great Kart 2».

«The Gran Kart 2»: All the details you should know

This event will consist of several rounds of kart racing between a dozen content creators, such as Victor Mongil, captain of Aniquiladores FC in the Kings League or the comedians Javito Rivas, Car de Lorenzo or Álvaro Casares, and clients of the Itevelesa Network.

Some exciting laps that will end with a podium and awards ceremony, as well as an incredible party that, in this latest edition, will feature live music. To get a companion pass, you includes one night in a hotel and transportation to the city and kartingyou just have to:

Passing the ITV on Red Itevelesa can have a reward: A double pass for "The Great Kart 2"

  • Have passed or passed the ITV in one of its facilities (between March 1, 2023 and May 4, 2024
  • Follow Red Itevelesa on its social networks (Instagram and/or Facebook)
  • Fill out the participation form at itevelesa.com/grankart

The draw will be open until May 4 and a few days later the name of the winner will be announced on their website and social networks. For more information about The Great Kart 2 o Red Itevelesa visits its website and social networks.

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