How to prevent car windows from fogging up

One of the main problems in cars in these cold, snowy and frost datesis that car Mondays get fogged up when we are driving the car. To avoid this, there is nothing better than using the heating, but sometimes it takes a while until it takes effect. But none of that will happen if you apply this homemade trick, which uses the silica gel to be able to drive without visibility problems in winter.

silica gel

He silica gelis the famous gel that is included in the boxes of many products, in a small bag. This material is perfect for absorbing moisture (an interesting fact in case you usually carry electronic devices in the car) and, due to its dehumidifying capabilitiesmanages to prevent the car windows from fogging up in the cold.

Leaving aside the fact that 39,000 Americans eat these bags every year, as we have read on Autoblog, we believe that instead of ingesting them it is better to use them for these purposes, since we remember that they are harmful to health… as they indicate in their abroad.

The trick to avoid condensation is very simple. You only need a sock and fill it with this product that you can find in a drugstore. We save it in some part that cannot be seen (for pure aesthetics more than anything, it is usually not very pleasant to see socks thrown around the car) and we wait for it to fulfill its purpose. If you want to see how to do it, nothing better than watching this tutorial videowhich details the steps to follow:

More tips

If the silica gel is not enough to prevent the car windows from fogging up, it will be necessary resort to other more traditional methods. Condensation is produced by a high percentage of humidity inside the vehicle and the temperature difference between the air and the windows. Therefore, one of the most effective practices to avoid it is to open the windowsthat is as long as the outside temperature is not very low or the weather conditions are not adverse.

If the weather is not good and the windows have already fogged up, the most effective method is to resort to the air conditioning system of the car. First of all, it must be said that hot air is more effective at defogging than cold air. Also that it is more advisable to have the air conditioning or climate control on. This air will have less humidity because it will have previously passed through an evaporator. Air recirculation must be deactivated, otherwise the air will gradually contain more humidity.

If it is the front window, we will direct the air towards this area with the corresponding button. For defog the rear window There is a specific button and those that are thermal will have the advantage of defogging faster thanks to the heat. Lastly, there are some anti-fog productswhich applied by a professional, can be of great help to avoid this phenomenon.

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