waterproof and programmable performance

A few months ago we discovered the first patents on a Yamaha electric motocross. In that case it was mainly about the transmission systems and focused especially on how it could be designed to improve traction and torque, while giving the driver greater control.

Now these new patents revealed by Cycleworld on the Yamaha electric motocross focus on other less critical, but also important, aspects. Especially when the bike ends up reaching production, which is what we all hope for.

Of the different documents revealed, the first of them deals with the way in which Yamaha is going to make the motorcycle resistant to water. At the end of the day, motocross bikes, whether electric or not, often have to deal with water, and ensuring that it does not enter the batteries or the engine is really important.

For this they have developed the waterproofing system, but also vents so that if water or humidity enters it can also leave. These vents go up to the steering head pipe area.

You may wonder what happens if the water reaches the vents? Well, also a membrane that prevents it from entering when washing or even when under water. What's more, with all these systems and if the desired tightness is achieved, it could technically work even when submerged…

The Yamaha electric motocross will also manage the battery

Another curious aspect, but at the same time quite important if we are in a race, is battery management. Be sure that the energy will reach the end of the race to be able to cross the finish line. Well, for this they have developed a system that maximizes performance taking into account the duration of the sleeve.

Battery management will be the responsibility of the motorcycle itself

In theory, programming it will be as simple as establishing the length of time the heat will last and, from there, the system will manage the energy at all times. Furthermore, since the pilot himself does not have to manage it, the aim is for the battery to reach its maximum until the finish line, without saving any energy and giving the maximum.

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